jodrell bank
first light
Client: realm projects
Scope: Interactives
‘First Light’ is the newest exhibition to open at Jodrell Bank. The centrepiece is a new building called The First Light Pavilion. The exhibition tells the story of the people and the site where radio astronomy was discovered. Our brief was to produce a series of physical interactives and models to complement the interpretation within the exhibition area.

Working collaboratively with the team at Casson Mann and Realm Projects Ltd., we developed interactives that help tell the stories of black holes and the use of hand crank generators in addition to a replica model of Sputnik suspended from the ceiling. Each of the interactives had to integrate and work with other elements of the exhibition.
The black hole tunnel enables young children to crawl through a starry black hole scene where a glowing flying saucer awaits them, creating the perfect photo opportunity!
A period hand generator has a set of brass gears housed inside a metal framework and a clear perspex window to the front. When the handle is turned the gears can be seen moving and the resistance in the mechanism can be felt through the handle. After a number of turns, an AV sequence is triggered.
The scale replica model of the Sputnik V1 satellite integrates an aluminum framework with 3D printed parts to create the details. The model is suspended from the ceiling of the exhibition space to give the feeling Sputnik is in flight above our heads!